GSM and EGM 2019 Lisbon, Portugal
2GSM and EGM Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, a city full of authenticity where old customs and ancient history intermix with cultural entertainment and hi-tech innovation. Lisbon is a sunny city where you feel save wandering around, the cuisine is Mediterranean with the record number of recipes for how to cook the “Bacalhau” (salted cod) and so much more to taste and explore...
The GSM 25-27 May will be focusing on SALES and SALES Development. As always you will have plenty of time to connect and socialize with your fellow WINners and to conduct your individual Bilateral meetings. Networking is the key for your success!
Due to urgent, pending decisions which arose during AGM 2019 the Board takes the opportunity to call for an EGM on the morning of 28 May, 2019, (Art. 6.4 Articles of Association).
Since many WIN Members’ representatives will travel to Lisbon to attend the GSM, the Board decided to take this opportunity to discuss important issues face to face rather than running the voting by proxy mail voting. The EGM will take place on in the morning of 28 May where the proposed STRATEGIC PLAN will be discussed and decided.
Numerous daily international direct flights connect Lisbon from all over the world and it is therefore easy for you to attend the GSM Global Sales Meeting and the EGM Extraordinary General Meeting. It will also be very easy to connect this WIN conference with your customer visits within Europe as most flights will not take more than 3 hours.
Once again, the WIN Board and WIN office have organized an interesting and pleasant program, which you should not miss!
- The GSM is focusing on SALES and SALES DEVELOPMENTS.
- The EGM will be focussing on a new WIN age - the WIN Future just in time for the 20th Anniversary of the WIN network!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The registration deadline is on the 22 April 2019