Membership requirements

WIN is a very special network, WIN is not just any network!

WIN is an exclusive network and offers our members exclusivity for their particular market / country. WIN is not just an anonymous network. In WIN our members personally know each other, in fact in many cases for many, many years already. Are you still interested? 


To become a WIN member there are some specific requirements which must be fulfilled, such as:

  • In general you may apply for membership for countries which are NOT yet represented by WIN
  • Once you apply you must be prepared to submit the required papers (prove of company founding and existence, ownership, audited financial statements etc.)
  • You must be willing to contribute business to WIN
  • You must be willing to join the Annual General Meetings as well as the Global Sales Meetings regularely and to actively supporting the WIN network

If you are prepared to fulfil these requirements, please continue to next step and complete the form entirely: "membership request form" .